If you are replacing or adding an additional P6100, P8100 or P4100 control: ISE needs information in order to know which option boards are installed in your control and how they are configured. There should be a product code marked on the housing (please advise us with this number). Example: P6101/Z2100/002.
If the control may have had additional options installed it is best to confirm the hardware.
To Determine Hardware Installed in My P6100, P8100 or P4100 Control:
Product Information Mode:
This is a read only mode that describes the controller and the options that are installed in it.
Press and hold down then press , release both keys.
Use or to Navigate to Product Info Mode inFO (upper display)
Navigation in Product Information Mode mode:
Press to navigate between the various parameters (lower display).
Record all parameters and supply the parameter values to ISE. This will allow us to quote a control with the same installed hardware.
Parameter | Lower Display | Upper Display |
Input Type | In-1 | Un1 |
Option 1 Module Type | OPn1 | |
Option 2 Module Type | OPn2 | |
Option 3 Module Type | OPn3 | |
Auxiliary Option A | OPnA | |
*Auxiliary Option B | OPnb | |
* Not displayed on 6100 Plus.
Press and hold down then press , release both keys to exit configuration mode. Use or to select Operator (OPtr) Mode
If there is no key activity for 2 minutes the instrument will return to operator mode.
While the above parameters will tell us the hardware that you have installed in your control and allow us to price a replacement, it will not give us enough information to fully configure your control (Input type, range, output and alarm usage, etc.). If you want us to configure your control supply us with parameters in the Configuration Mode.
In order for ISE to properly configure your control like your existing control please supply the following information from the configuration mode.
Configuration Mode:
This mode allows the selection of input type and range and also selects output usage, scaling for linear inputs, programming of alarm types and communications settings.
Press and hold down then press , release both keys.
Use or to Navigate to Configuration Mode ConF (upper display)
Enter the appropriate Unlock (ULoc) code for the configuration mode using Use or
(Configuration Unlock Code -- Default is 20)
Navigation in configuration mode:
Press to navigate between the various parameters (lower display).
Use to save a change.
See installation and operation manual for complete list of adjustable parameters in this mode.
Important parameters that will help us setup your control
Parameter | Lower Display | Upper Display |
Input Type and Range | InPt | |
Scale Range Upper Limit | ruL | |
Scale Range Lower Limit | rLL | |
Control Type | CtYP | |
Primary Output Action | CtrL | |
Alarm 1 Type | ALA1 | |
Alarm 2 Type | ALA2 | |
Output 1 Usage | USE1 | |
Output 2 Usage | USE2 |